Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Final Tribute to England

On Saturday October 6th at 7:00 PM the Tour Choir from the England Tour will gather at St. Peters Erindale to sing a selection of music from the tour and present a multi-media slide show to accompany this musical adventure. The Choir will welcome James Mooney-Dutton and Miss Hannah Allchin from the UK for this performance.

This is a free concert, free-will dontations can be made at the end of the performance to the St. Peters Music Ministry.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Precious memories can never be stolen from us.

My dear friends, I hope that in the days ahead as we all reflect on our life changing 2007 choir tour; I pray that each of us can take time to share some thoughts of the trip on this blog. To Chantal and I those memories are treasures that simply cannot be stolen.

I choose the title of this entry carefully, as many of you know our Camera disappeared from our lives during our day trip to Windsor. Many of the photos you all enjoy on this site were taken with that camera and thanks to Don we all can enjoy many of the images from it.

What you may not know is that this camera was a wedding gift that we purchased for each other, the year we got married. It has allowed us to remember such treasured memories over the past few years. It continued to do so during this tour, at least until it departed from our lives. All good things must come to an end I guess.

Or will it? You see my friend’s that is the beauty of memories. Especially, the memories captured in the photos and videos that we all have taken but specially, those moments in our hearts and minds, they are apart of us now and as we sang together in Lincoln, Windsor and Southwark we certainly made a difference in many of the lives of those who heard us.

So I say to you this Sunday morning August 26th 2007, post choir tour. All is not lost, as long as we share those moments with each other, in the stories we tell and write down and keep near our hearts.

God Bless you all my dear friends and thank you for the memories.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Highlights and Landmarks

Singing at Southwark, recalling the view from the choir stalls, recognising the familiar sights and smells, conjuring memories of pranks in secret places from long ago.
Performing Howells ... flawlessly.
The look on Don's face as he uttered those immortal words ... "You are now a Cathedral Choir."
The organ loft at Lincoln, witnessing a master organist at work.
The Chapel, prior to the service, wandering around savouring the history and grandeur.
The privilege.
Lincoln lit by night, the ancient stone aglow.
The exhileration of aching calves following a brisk walk up Steep Hill ... followed by the final scaling of the spiral stairs to the choir school.
The "moments" ... one voice drifting away into the very fabric of the building.
Mr. Precentor singing along to Don's special anthem in the Chapter House.
The sense of belonging ... being part of an unbroken history.
Cementing the Canadian reputation for good food and copious drink.
The camaraderie.
The sense of achievement, and of a job well done.


I just had to write....

It's our (Tina and Don) last Saturday in England and guess what! I'm going to get to wear my shorts today! Yes the sun is out and it's going to be warm. We are going boating on the Thames today with our friends Kim and Dave and their son Alex. We'll cruise from Reading down to Windsor for a picnic and then back. Should be a wonderful day.

We'll be back in Canada tomorrow and looking forward to seeing the kids.

From Reading England.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Well, the first load of choristers are home from our journey to the UK. The flight was good, longer than on the way over and a bit of turbulance, but pretty good. I was thinking we would get back home in time to see Veronica before her bedtime, since we made it through customs fairly quickly....but that hope was dashed when the luggage carousel broke down as it was bringing out bags out.

There was some confusion to what carousel to switch to, but we eventually got our bags and got home around 9pm.

It seems strange, but also good to be at home. Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight (no dorm room and walking down the hall to the toilet, and no sinking into the middle of the bed!).

My favourite part of the trip I think was our time in Lincoln. I felt part of the church as we got used to the space and got to know the people there. Windsor was great - amazing to sing in the chapel where kings and queens have walked before us - not so great in terms of our camera though. London was lots of fun too, but we could have used an extra week or two to see all that the city has to offer. We'll just have to go back.....................

Safe jouney back!!

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past 2 weeks and thank all of you for such an amazing time! It has been great getting to know you all, and to be able to sing with you. As some of you know I've taken some time off from Church singing (at least on a regular basis) while I persue other career paths, and it has been great to come back to. I couldn't have found a better and more dedicated group of people to spend my time with and sing with.

James told me that you guys knew how to party, and you certainly lived up to expectations and beyond. I've been wanting to come to Canada for some time.... Now I know I have no choice!! :) I'm excited already.

I hope everyone has safe journeys home, whenever you may be leaving...

See you very soon!

Hannah x

Thursday Morning - Travel Day

This will be my last Blog Entry. I will now leave this to the choir members to complete their memories here.

Each and every choir member should be extremely proud of their singing while in England. Last nights gathering was of mixed feelings, joy and sadness, pride and strength.

The bus will carry many of the choir to Heathrow this morning for a 3:15 flight home. They will all rest in their beds tonight.

Here are some pictures from yesterdays adventures.

Safe journey home my friends.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It is finished

And so tonight the choir sang brilliantly at Southwark Cathedral. Tomorrow many of the choir will get on the plane and return to Toronto. I hope that on Sunday they will start to sharing the amazing stories of this journey.

For Tina and I and some of the others we will stay on and start a vacation.

This has been an amazing time of celebration, worship and a time to walk with God.

I wish everyone a safe journey home.

From London, one last time.

Ode to 2 fine musicians

I would like to spend a few minutes talking about 2 young people that have been part of our tour over the past 13 days. They are James and Hannah.

Hannah is of course Jame's Girlfriend. Hannah has been Head Chorister at Norwich Cathedral and boasts a Gold Level Award from the RCSM Voice for Life Program. Here powerful voices has been a tremendous boost to the 2nd Soprano section and I know that they have been appreciative of her time and talent as I have I.

James Mooney-Dutton. Probably one of the most talented young organists of our time. James has practiced hours in order to make this choir sound as good as they have. I know that the last 30 days Hannah has noted James MIA on most days has he practiced.

Part of my agreement with James to be tour organist was the he must be able to play the Finale to Vierne's First Organ Symphony. This is a piece of music that I have never been successful in learning. To his credit this amazing work was prepared perfectly and will appear as part of our CD.

I took the opportunity to play for the choir on Saturday in Lincoln and immediately put James back on the bench. (Know your own strengths). Windsor Castle was no different. James had 20 minutes to sort out the organ before the choir came into the Chapel and the performance was again perfect.

I know that one day James will be DOM at one of these many fine Cathedral's in the UK and we can say "he was OUR tour organist."

On behalf of the choir James and Hannah. Thank you. You time talent and youth enthusiasm will remain with this choir a lifetime.

Last Day of the Tour - Hard to believe it's coming to an end

It's been a long Christmas Day....12 days so far...(Ah! The 12 Days of Christmas)

Yesterday was a typical cloudy and dizzling day in London with a good stiff breeze. Not deterred everyone got out to see the sites. Tina and I walked from the Hotel to Westminster through Piccadilly across the bridge to Waterloo where we had lunch and then along the Thames past the Royal Festival Hall and the London Eye up to Blackfriars Bridge, to St. Pauls Cathedral and then over to Leister Square where we met Tina's parents for dinner.

Along the way we met several of the choir having a good time. This morning Tina and I are off to the Tower of London and then Tina will carry on with her parents as I come back to the hotel to meet the choir for a 2:30 pm departure to Southwark. We will practice for the last time here in London before adding our music to worship at this wonderful Cathedral.

It's hard to believe that this tour is coming to an end. There has been a lot of tension, a lot of HARD WORK, and one or 2 tears along the way. In a conversation I had with one of the choir members, this person wasn't sure that they could keep up to the challenge and my demands of performance. I reminded this chorister that the reason I am so demanding and have been on this tour is because this choir is capable of performing at a Very High Level and when they don't I get frustrated. It is not about being part of the problem it is about being part of the solution.
The choir of St. Peters Erindale has done themselves exceedlingly proud while abroad. Not only musicially but physically as well. Miles of walking, schedules to keep, services and rehearsals to sing. Amidst all of this everyone still had an amazing time. (I hope they did anyway).

I'm sure there will be lots of tears tonight as we finish at Southwark and I'll be pleased to join right it. This has been a life changing experience.

Global Educational Tours has been amazing. Everything has gone according to schedule. A HUGE Thank you to Patrick and Col Shelbourne for ensuring that I could focus on music and that I was confident that my choristers were being taken care of.

St. Peters, your Cathedral choir is coming home to you. They have earned this title. They have been a Cathedral Choir in a Royal Chapel and today, they will be a Cathedral Choir in London England. Be Proud. I am.

From London

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tuesday in London

Good Morning from the Imperial Hotel in London.

Yesterday was an incredibly long day for everyone. I was reasonably calm until about 1 pm when we arrived at the castle. The day started very early in Lincoln when we all left by bus (Don, James and Hannah went by car to allow everyone to get a lift on the bus). The days continue to be cloudy but it's warmer here in the south.

It has been next to impossible for me to put into words my emotional and practical thoughts on yesterdays service at Windsor Castle. To stand in a chapel that has served Royalty for centuries and to stand in a place where musician of huge historical significance have stood it truly humbling. To have my name on the weeks music list of composer next to Handel, Bach, Howells is equally humbling. It really hasn't all sunk in yet but it will truly be a memory for a lifetime.

As for the service itself, the choir has hit their stride and it was amazing. Sheena Teague sang the Mendelssohn Hear My Prayer and it was magnificent backed up perfectly by the choir. I know that this moment along with all of the other soloists on this tour will treasure. It will also look really good on their music CV's going forward. All very well deserved.

But is was all over too fast.

We arrived last night and were settled into the hotel by 10:30 pm. It was truly a long 5 days. The choir now celebrates with a VERY WELL DESERVED DAY OFF!

I look forward to the thoughts of the other choristers on this grueling 5 days.

Happy Tuesday.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday Morning Week 2

I'm pleased to report that (well I think anyway) everyone survived the last night in Lincoln celebration. James had a great party and this morning we are packing up and will be on the road to Windsor by 8:00 AM.

These are some pictures from our rehearsals at Lincoln Cathedral and in the song school. The Cathedral is over low light so the picture may not be sharp but it give you a good idea as to what it was like.

It was NICE!

Until tonight from London

Sunday, August 19, 2007


And so it is finished....

Chorally speaking today was the best day for the choir. From the opening strains of Communcion at 9:30 through the Howells Coll Reg Te Deum at 11:15 Mattins to evensong tonight at 3:45 The choir was top of their game.

It has taken much longer to get the choir up to speed than I expected. I'm sure it has nothing to do with jet lag and pub visits. Truly, the pressure that I have placed firmly on the shoulders of the choir and the greater pressure that I have put on myself has been immense. Today after a very bad start in rehearsal the choir came out ready to sing and praise God as I know that they can. I'm sure my blood pressure was through the roof this morning and I had to take a break because I really felt that I was going to explode. This evening Roshni and Kevin sang the Stanford in G Major Mag and Nunc beautifully. I should also mention others that have sung this week including Mark Matterson and this morning during the Te Deum, Sheena, Sherri, Ginny, Pat, Barb, Mark, Richard, Neil and Dale did a great job on their bits. Emily sang on Thursday night during the Ireland; Greater Love hath no man. All in All today was emotionally charged, it was the final day at Lincoln and it was by a final last great effort from the masses that the music was as wonderful as it was. One of the local ladies came up to us and asked what Cathedral we were from. Another man pulled me aside and said it had been years since he's heard the words to the psalms. Another person commented that we have been the best visiting choir all summer.

All of these accolades all go to the hard work that this choir has put forward. Everyone was choked up as we packed our stuff and moved out of the choir room and vesty. So the keys to the palace have been returned.

Tomorrow, a new city and a new place of worship: St. George's Chapel Windsor Castle.
I'm sure I won't be up tight at all..............................NOT!

So from Lincoln for the last time...

Happy Birthday James - Start of Sunday

It's our last set of services at Lincoln Cathedral today a chance to be with the community at Lincoln in communion for the entire scope of Anglican Church services. Eucharist at 9:30, Choral Mattins at 11:15 and then Evensong at 3:45.

After that we have to pack up all of our stuff and return it to the college to pack. It's somewhat sad that this leg of our Journey is coming to a close and yet it has been so rewarding.

To conclude we will celebrate the Last Night in Lincoln toasting James Mooney-Dutton's 22nd Birthday.

Until later today.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

And so Saturday evening ends

Today was a very emotional day. Not only because of the large amout of work that we had to accomplish but also because of the signficance of the services. As I type this blog I can hear the 3/4 chime at the Cathedral reminding me of not only the time but our perminent attachment to the fabric of this hallowed place.

This afternoon it was our privilage to sing at the wedding of Stuart and Gina. This wedding was to have taken place next year but as the brides father is terminally ill the wedding was moved up 1 full year. As the bride and groom entered the Chancel the brides father looked on from his wheel chair that the altar rail and he glowed with pride. Throughout the service he held his daughters hand not quite prepared to let her go. I'm sure that in his condition he wanted that moment to last forever. It was truly an honour to enhance this couples day with our music.
This included the first public performance of the Willis Gloria. I was very pleased with the end result. The choir also sang the Willan Missa Brevis for Communion and the King shall Rejoice by Handel at the signing.

That's not the finish though. We then turned around and went back into the Cathedral for Evensong rehearsal for 30 minutes and then right into evensong at 5;30. Tonight James took the podium and I took a wack at the organ. I'm pleased to report that I'll be back on the podium tomorrow and leave the organ to Mr. JMD. I am humbled by what it takes to master all of that in only a few short hours; he does it very well.

Tonight the Precentor hosted a wine party in the Chapter House for the choir along with the Dean of the Cathedral. They both had very nice things to say about the choir and I remain very proud.

I got choked up when the choir gathered to sing a version of Bainton's And I Saw a new Heaven with new text by Dale Neilly. I am a truly blessed musician that I have soon many who believe in me.

And so with all this emotion, I'm going to retire. A very early morning ahead.
From Lincoln I wish you a very good night.

Here are the pictures from the reception:

The Friday Report

Good Saturday morning to you... it's a rainy day in Lincoln with no signs of sunshine but yesterday was a perfect day on many levels. Although it was very long for all members of the choir we successfully did 2 hours of rehearsal, 1 evensong, dinner and then 2 full hours of recording. I think you will all be pleased with the results. The raw tracks that I now have in my computer are just great. There will be a time for our engineer to mix them and then we will get this package of music out to everyone interested. It will be a nice keep sake of this wonderful trip. I have chosen to leave the bell in some of the takes to show that Yes, it was recorded live in a very short time frame with a great group of people.

There are few moments in my life when I have be able to realize my music in a building that really allows the piece to ring as it does in Lincoln Cathedral. As much as you invision the sound in you mind at the piano it isn't until you arrive at a place like this that the music comes to life fully.

Col. Shelbourne took pictures last night during the recording session and we have some great shots. Those won't be posted until we get back to Canada. I hope that you keep watching the blog to see how much fun we are all having.

I could see the eyes of the choristers last night that they are all getting tired. Of course getting to bed at a reasonable hour wouldn't hurt either but we know for some that's just not going to happen.

And so off to breakfast and then a 2 hour reheasal this morning, a wedding at 3:30 and then evensong tonight. The Chapter at the Cathedral is having a Wine and Cheese party in the chapter house as a thank you post evensong.

So, happy Saturday to you...more pictures later today.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday in Lincoln

The sun is shining and it looks like a glorious day. It's still cool but then again it's not the Bahama's.

Yesterday was exhausting and so I've slept in. Tina arrived safe and sound just in time for the last 4 bars of the recital. Good thing she heard the best part. What an amazing instrument to perform on. A big thanks to JMD for assisting. This performance was most certainly a team effort. Immediately after the recital we dashed off for some lunch and the back 45 mins later to start the afternoon rehearsals and evensong. We then dashed back to the College for dinner and right back to the Cathedral for our first night of recording.

I sure it was difficult for the choir to hear but the the chance to sing in the magnificent Cathedral in reduce light and the stillness of this sacred place is awesome. We accomplished much last night. I'll be listening to the raw tracks this morning to perpare tonight's list.

The local pub that we have over-taken this week has been more than gracious. Of course closing time is 11 pm but since we didn't finish until 11 the innkeeper graciously left the door open for us arriving at 11:20 and served us until midnight. BOY DID WE NEED THAT! Then as it seems to have become a custom, the scotch drinking society returned to the Willis suite to finish off what was ever left in the glass bottle.

It's hard to believe that the week is almost over. We have evensong today and rehearsal along with the final recording session. As foretold, it's gone by like a flash.

Here's a bunch of pictures...

And so off for the day...Happy Friday.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

And so beginneth the busiest 5 days of our lives

It's Thursday morning and we now start what will surely be a real test of the choirs fiber.

This morning I'm off to the Cathedral to prepare for my recital at 1:10 today. Following that the choir will gather at 3:00 PM to start rehearsals that will last until 5:00 PM, evensong at 5:30 PM, dinner back at the college at 7:00 PM and then back to the Cathedral for the start of recording at 9:00 PM.

This will all be repeated again tomorrow (with the exception of the recital). Saturday will include a 2 hour rehearsal in the morning, a wedding at 3:30 PM followed by evensong. The 2 hour rehearsal on Saturday morning makes up for the lack of rehearsal time on Sunday. So enough of that....

Wednesday was another great day of personal prayer and meditation at Lincoln. The day started with an apple for breakfast (everyone else ate more) and then a brisk walk to the Cathedral, morning mass and 90 minutes of thunder at the organ. The started with promise weather wise but ended up being very damp indeed. After rehearsal I walked back to the college for a nap and then met James Mooney-Dutton and Hannah Allchin for lunch. We walked in the rain all the way down the steep hill. (YES IT'S REALLY STEEP) We took a taxi back to the college and relaxed until it was time to return to the Cathedral for mass.

(I'm leaving out the number of pub stops along the way, I don't want to give you the wrong idea.)

Mass was sung by the Cathedral's Chamber choir. 18 Volunteer voices that act as a stop gap choir when the primary choirs are unavailable. It was beautiful.

After mass I was afforded another 30 mins at the organ for practice. I have to say that the opportunity to play late at night in the Cathedral was pretty amazing. All of the lights were off in the Nave and only a few lit up the Quire and the access ways. The thunder of the music was intense and everything that I could have imagined. During the day there is always people moving about, building, hammering, helping to maintain this beautiful building. Yet last night there was only silence in the vast place of worship. It was a awesome experience.

I shared dinner last night with David Plant, Hannah and James at an eatery on the way home from the Cathedral. It was very nice.... ;-)

The early reports from the choir day trip to York all seem favourable although some say that the walking tour was a bit long. The wet weather was not as bad in York mercifully. Just a mist.

So with all that said, I'm off again. Preparing for several things including the arrival of Tina here in Lincoln finally. It promises to be another great day.

From Lincoln in the sunshine

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

If this is Wednesday it must be Lincoln

Well I started the day with the hope of nice weather but sadly it's raining again. As I walked to the Cathedral this morning for 8 am mass followed by 90 mins of organ practice I was optimistic that we might have a good day (weatherwise) for the choirs day trip to York. The good news is that they all appear to be prepared for all weather conditions.

So they have left for York. I'm having a day of limited stress (just that of preparing for a recital tomorrow), prayer and reflection.

High mass tonight sung by the Cathedral Chamber Choir is on my schedule for tonight followed by more organ practice. I'm looking forward to tomorrow for several reasons: 1) Tina arrives in Lincoln to be with me for the rest of the tour. There are just too many amazing thing happening here and without my best friend, it's enjoyment (don't get me wrong, I'm having a blast), but it won't be complete until Tina arrives. 2) My recital 3) We gather again to sing as a choir and start recording out CD.

Lots of music in the next 4 days.

Until tonight. Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The end of Tuesday

Today was a very rainy and windy day here in Lincoln the cool misty rain chilled many but they still managed to handle a walking tour of this historic city.

For me, the day started with 90 minutes of rehearsal with James Mooney-Dutton to prepare for his lunch hour recital (which was excellent by the way). And then I was off for tea with the Precentor of the Cathedral. (I was honoured by this invitation). We discussed many things over the course of an hours including the state of church music in Canada and in the UK.

At noon I attended the noon mass as a quiet moment of reflection and found myself administering the chalice at communion. Needless to say I was again honoured.

I didn't have a chance to tell you about Monday's evensong as the Birthday celebration limited my ability to communicate effectively.

So Monday; the choir and I were all extremely nervous with anticipation of this monumental occasion. In preparation for the start of the service we all line up in the North Transept and wait there for the clergy. At 5:25 the clergy gives us a prayer and we begin the 5 minutes procession to the stalls. At 5:28 if my nerves weren't bad enough, the Chancellor came over and says "it would seem that the Precentor is late and would you mind awfully if you did the responses and the Office Hymn?" What was I to say except "of course, we'll take care of it!"

Thank goodness I wrote the responses because I murdered the plainsong office hymn with 30 seconds notice. Mercifully, the Precentor arrived in time for the second reading and I was off the hook for the rest of the responses. Nothing like Baptism by fire!

Suffice it to say, even with the wrong notes, it was all good and everything worked out.

Tonight was the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the day of the Cathedral's Patron Saint. So we had smoke and ceremony tonight. I loved it, just the way Evensong should be. The good news is no one passed out because of the smoke.

We'll it's 5 to 11 pm and time for me to retire. Tomorrow I start preparations for my recital on Thursday at 1:10 pm. Please say a prayer for me. I'll need it.

Good Night from Lincoln

These are the pictures from the party that have been screened for public viewing:

last day at work...

before I hook up with the tour. It's sure hard to focus when I see the good times awaiting! Congrats to the Choir and to Don on all your accomplishments tha lead to this leg of the journey!

Tuesday August 14

Good morning from Lincoln. We'll it was an amazing day yesterday. 2 rehearsals and one wonderful service. The choir sounds amazing. Col. Shelbourne has a mini disc recorder with 2 mini HD Microphones that he's engineered to his glasses and the sound is incredible. Some of the choir members got a chance to listen to the recording last night at dinner and where really surprised. Me, I'm just proud.

The post Evensong party pictures are not currently available due to the fact that operation of any tech gagets or door keys where a challenge. The choir presented me with a beautiful cake and some Lincoln Imp Socks (which I've chosen to wear today). We all then went to the pub and had a BLAST! The innkeeper kept the pub open an extra 30 minutes for us. It was a well needed release from all of the tensions of the day. It will be interesting to see how they do today after that event. It was a great Birthday.

There are some pictures here of Lincoln Cathedral and as the day goes on I'll post some more to the website.

From rainy Lincoln....Don

Monday, August 13, 2007

End of Night 1 Birthday

It's hard to typpppe at the best times, but increasingly difficiult tonight

so limited abilities tonight. We'll catch up tomorrow. LATE in the day, but before 3 or so.

Love Don

BTW - Older and far more mature.....

Morning of Day 2

It's Monday morning and the sun is shining here in Lincoln. It's cool overnight, perfect for sleeping. Our tour organist James Mooney-Dutton and his much better half, Hannah Allchin arrived last night around 10 pm so that meant another (4th) trip back to the pub. OY!

It's just after 6:00 am here and I'm looking forward to a glorious day of making music. It's our first day as resident choir and I know everyone is ready. Breakfast starts at 8 am everyone is due to report to the Cathedral at 9:15 am. Rehearsal starts at 9:30 am.

This is a truly amazing city, rich with heritage and history. I met the Cathedral staff yesterday and they are a delight to work with, I'm hopeful that will continue throughout the week.

There will be pictures at the end of the day.
Happy Monday.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Day 1 of the Tour

Today was pretty amazing. We all board the A330 last night at Pearson and arrived safely in London at 8:35 this morning. After a 3 hour bus ride we all settled into our residences at Bishop Grosseteste University College and then walked down to the Cathedral for Evensong.

The choir that sang was from the Chicago area in the US and was good. I think we are better and have more intensity. I gues I'll find out in the morning when after breakfast we all gather at Lincoln Cathedral for our first rehearsal.

Several trips to the pub this day plus a pretty good dinner at the college. Everything is going to plan at this point. Everyone is off to bed. Early day tomorrow with 2 rehearsals and evensong.

From Lincoln England, good night.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007

Last Minute Itinerary Changes

There are 2 changes to the tour itinerary that need to be noted:

1> Singing at a Wedding in Lincoln
On Saturday August 18th at 3:30 PM (prior to Evensong) The choir will sing at a wedding in the Cathedral at Lincoln. We would normally be practicing at this time for Evensong anyway so it's not like we wouldn't have been at the Cathedral in the first place.
The wedding has been advance 1 year due to the fact that terminally ill family member is not expected to survive until the original date next year at this time. It is a Eucharist and we will sing the Willan Missa Brevis, the Willis Gloria, Rachmaninov and Tallis.
This was a special request of the Precentor Canon Kirk. I have accepted on your behalf.

2> The Tour of Westminster Abbey has been CANCELLED
Due to unforseen circumstances our clergy at the Abbey is no longer available to give us the planned free tour.
To that end we will revert to our original plan that Tuesday August 21st will be a full and complete FREE DAY. Once you have had breakfast enjoy London to the fullest.
If you are still interested in seeing the Abbey the entrance cost is 10GBP plus 4 GBP for the audio guide.

Sorry for the last minute adjustments but these things happen.

"One More Day"; Jean Valjean - Les Miserable

Thank you all for coming to the service of celebration last night. We were only missing 2 and that's a pretty good turn out. Thanks to Jennifer for a great service and again congratulations to Dale for achieving his light blue award in Voice for Life.

Col. Shelbourne will arrive today in Toronto and will dine at Casa d'Willis this evening.

I trust that everyone picked up their music from Clare last night and that you all received your tour booklet and for the choir member's you also received the order of service for Evensong at Lincoln Cathedral.

The additional shirt orders have been handed out and now I'm done.

There is nothing left to do but get on the aircraft.
Until tomorrow!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

2 Days until Departure

So are you packed? Suitcases by the door in anticipation of departure?
No, it's not that bad just yet in our house but it could be. Last load of laundry is complete. Shirts are at the dry cleaners getting cleaned folded and pressed. (No I"m not going to stand in front of the ironing board for 4 hours ironing.

I"m looking forward to seeing everyone tonight at church for a shared Eucharist. Feels like we haven't been together for a month and it's only been 2 weeks.

I don't know about you but even with a very busy work day, the days are starting to get longer.
Happy Thursday

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Point taken...

My step-sister Dayna in Ottawa noted that "tick tick tick" would get me thrown off the plane.
Good catch Dayna.


3 Days until Departure

Tick tick tick tick! I'm sure you are all looking at the calendar and thinking this will be the longest 3 days of my life. So much to do in so little time. For those of us in the business world preparing for a 2 week absence is brutal at the best of times but when you aren't really focused on the tasks at hand it makes it that much harder.

The revised tour books are off to print today. I'll be picking up the additional tour shirts that people ordered today as well. This will conclude all remaining tour related items, prior to departure. A big thanks to Tina again for reworking the tour booklet.

Spoke with our friend James Mooney-Dutton yesterday and he is frantically preparing for our arrival on Sunday. He will join us in Lincoln on Sunday evening after his parishes patronal festival evensong.

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Greetings from England!

Well I think we are now out of the one day winter the next day summer routine which is good but no doubt this will all change by next week. However as Don said to me last week, "it'll be dry in the pub!"

Looking forward to seeing you all next week. Having blocked this week off of most work for tour preparation i'm getting into the music - lots of practice!!!

Safe journey and can't wait until the first beer (or Evensong?)


The Flight and English Weather

Those of you who have not flown overnight before should be aware of a couple of golden rules.

We are singers, and we have to be at our best the day after we arrive. So ... keep talking to an absolute minimum; drink copious quantities of water; avoid alcohol and coffee if you can manage it (I know this might be difficult for some!) - both dehydrate; wearing ear buds plays havoc with the mask, and combined with the background aircraft noise, it can be 3 or 4 days before hearing and tonality return to normal. If you need to be entertained, either wear headphones that do not go into the ear, or read a book! And ... if the noise can be heard through your headphones by your neighbour, the volume is too high. Finally ... if the urge to sing descends upon you, resist. Singing in a pressurised cabin puts a greater strain on the vocal cords.

English weather. It will almost certainly rain on a number of occasions while you are in England. The likelihood of it being heavy rain is small. A light rain jacket should be sufficient. Umbrellas are cheap, so there will be no need to take one with you, unless you have a good collapsible one. The days will probably feel cool by our standards, but "muggy". Humidity will be relatively high in Lincoln, it being on the edge of the Fens (an area of low-lying land with a lot of water). You should not feel the need to add extra layers during the day, but the evenings may feel cool, so light sweaters or jackets will be required. In Lincoln, you ill probably wish to do a lot of explorinbg. Remember - the pavements (sidewalks) are paved rather than tarmac, so a good stout pair of walking shoes or boots would be a good idea. Also in London - where the streets are NOT paved with gold - walking is often the best option. Prepare accordingly.

Finally, a note on towels. In the London hotel, I would expect good, thick and large towels of the type we have become accustomed to. In our Lincoln accommodations, the towels may be a little less adequate. The towels may be thin and small. It might be wise to pack a large, thick beach towel ... just in case.


4 Days until Departure

Good morning, I'm back in Toronto freshly off the red eye from San Francisco via Vancouver and I'm ready to start the day.

Couple of tips for overnight flying for those that haven't done it before or in awhile. DON'T WEAR SHORTS! It gets cold after a few hours and it's better to be warm than cold. If you have a walkman or Ipod bring the headphones as the ones they give you on the airplane SUCK!

So, with that trip out of the way, time to focus on England!
Music (choral & organ, Vestments (2 sets), appropriate attire;
Dang, I had better do some laundry!

Time to shift things into overdrive!
Happy Tuesday.

Monday, August 6, 2007

5 Days until Departure

Hi Everyone:

Hey Niru thanks for stepping up. Get story.

I have to admit I'm really looking forward to getting to the UK. Believe it or not it is simply so that when I get out of bed, the sun will be up! It's getting to be that no matter where I go, it's always dark when I wake up. This morning was no different. I'm staying at a hotel in Sunnyvale California which is about 30 minutes south of SF in Silicon Valley. As hard as I tried to sleep through the night the Central European Time Zone came into play around 11:00 PM Pacific Time. I slept for a little while but the body clock is really out of wack now.

It's very beautiful here in the valley. It was neat driving down US101 and seeing INTEL, SISCO, WEBEX, APPLE, oh ya, IBM, and every major Tech Player in the world. Last night I drove over to Moffat Field. This where they harbour the Goodyear Blimps. It was pretty cool. It is also the home of the NASA AMES Research Centre. This was the location of the mission control for the first moon landing. If you believe the stories it was also the sight where the staged the moon landing. According to the locals, taking pictures around the facilities will find you an invitation to speak to the men in the black suits. (no photos where taken.)

Well, that's it from here. I've got my meeting prep to get started on.
Happy Monday. Back to TO on the RED EYE through Vancouver tonight.

Reality is Sinking In

I figured that it was about time I put in my 2 cents...
Yesterday, to me was a real milestone in the count down as it was the final Sunday service at St Peter's prior to the trip. As I finished my postlude I realized that the next Sunday service that we will be attending will be in Lincoln.
Our boys are counting down the days until they fly to Vancouver with Jenny's Mum (3 more sleeps). Once in Vancouver they will fly to Powell River and spend 2 weeks with their Granny and Granddad. I'm not sure who is more excited, my parents or Trevor and Kevin. I will be odd for us to be childless for a couple of days before we go.
Hopefully this week goes by quickly. The reality of this trip is finally sinking in!

5 Days until Departure

Well, seeing as our fearless leader is in San Francisco and knowing that our fan club is expecting a "5 Days until Departure" Blog entry, let me step up to the plate.

Woke up today to find a cold, cloudy and damp morning. I expect the weather in England to be quite similar. Speaking of England, Chantal, Veronica, and I spent the weekend visiting with my parents, who were entertaining friends and family from St. Catharines and Welland. Enjoying the beautiful weather on Saturday around the pool and in the pool, was my Aunt Moria and her best friend Barb and their friends Pat and Adrian. It did not take very long for our conversation to revolve around England and our Choir Tour. Pat and Adrian have their roots in Ireland and had recently visited England. Our discussions that night lead to many interesting conversations about where to visit during our fee time in England and the glorious music we were singing on tour. You see Adrian is a tenor/baritone who also sings in his parish choir. So I immediately pulled out the England tour CD from the car and let everyone listen to a few tracks from our repertoire.

Saturday night was a treat indeed, the wonderful meal that evening was just the icing on the cake to a brilliant day. Looking back I realize now, even more so than before that this trip to England by our Choir will not only be experienced by us, but it will also resonate in many ways with our family and closest of friends.

Today, I will be emailing Pat and Adrian, our family and many of our friends a link to this blog. So that they too will share our journey and experience this Blessing, that for each of us starts in just 5 days.

God Bless.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

In San Francisco

Hi Everyone: I've arrived in San Francisco and have just returned to my hotel after a nice dinner in Palo Alto. Meetings tomorrow start at 11:00 am and then the dash back to the airport to catch the red eye home. Enjoy your long weekend!

6 Days until Departure

Well it's just after 7:00 am and I'm packing for San Francisco. Quite an unplanned trip but necessary.

Tina and I have both reviewed the tour booklets and found them to be too small. To that end Tina and I will be be producing new ones based on the information supplied to us from GET and just changing the format slightly so that we can all read it.

Not much to tell you this morning except my level of stress is increasingly greater with each day. (This should not come and a complete shock).

Happy Sunday to you all.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Is it really only 7 days??!!

WOW - I can hardly believe that it is only a week away! We are busy getting things organized, with ourselves and Veronica (carry on bags with the right dimensions purchased). I'm looking forward to the fun of the trip, but also sad at the same time to leave Veronica behind. I'm sure she won't even miss us and have a fun time with grandparents.

Have a good long weekend everyone!

7 Days until Departure

Well it's the weekend but things are crazier than ever. I"m off to San Francisco tomorrow for an over night trip and then back on the Red Eye through Vancouver on Monday night. This promises to make Tuesday a very long day. (When it rains....)

I picked up the tour booklets at the post office yesterday. Bring your glasses the types a bit small. (Booklet being the key word here). I'll hand those out on Thursday night as promised.

A couple of people have asked me how to make enties here. You only need to register (it takes 5 minutes). All of your email addresses have been added to the master blog editors list so that when you sign in you can post to the blog. I hope that some of you will take the opportunity to post your thoughts as we get closer to the departure date.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 3, 2007

posted on behalf of Daile Neilly

When you wrote this, I had just returned to bed after a short trip to the...(sorry...TMI).
8 sleeps and some of those will be restfull assuming I can get the name of the medication you are on.
Time has certainly pased quickly on this adventure. It was odd to have a Thursday off. It cost me $100 as I was able to take my wife out for dinner because I had the night off. Certainly the least I could do for all the other Thursdays, don't you think?
Glad you had a golf game. I can't believe someone would toss their clubs and not retain full decorum when golfing with you!
Time to get back to the reality of work (at least for a couple more hours!)

8 Days until Departure

8 days. It's just a good thing I'm heavily medicated. At least you know I'm sleeping at night. Usually at this point there is no sleeping, Tina is kicking me out of bed because I'm tossing and turning and there is peace and unrest in the land.

Mercifully for all concerned, I go to bed early get up early and this allows peace and harmony in at the Willis Estate.

If you have been watching the weather in the UK you will notice that the temperature has been hovering around 20 - 24 degrees in Lincoln during the day and about 13-15 degrees at night. Please make sure you pack accordingly. Don't forget a rain jacket.

I'm pleased to report that the tour books have arrived and that I'll be picking them up from the post office tomorrow. So, the good news is that they will be available for the tour group on Thursday night at the Eucharist as planned. I will also have the additional shirts that people ordered as well.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Going through withdrawal.....

I think I'm having withdrawal from blog postings......I'm used to getting up, checking my mail and reading Don's latest message on the blog. What happened this morning??!!

I have to say it seems wierd not to have rehearsal tonight. We've been working so hard. Can't believe that this time is actually here. Becoming a reality as we get ready for the pounds and trying to organize a carry on that fits the size required by Heathrow.

Enjoy the long weekend everyone!

9 Days until Departure

Thursday? It can't be Thursday I don't have a rehearsal!

I hope you are enjoying this period of rest before we go overseas. Feels a bit strange to have a Thursday without a musical gathering. Just means I'll get to bed at 6 pm instead of 11:00.

Apparently the final batch of music has arrived at the church. Clare will have that sorted for next Thursday evening. She will be in touch with those that need to bring their music next Thursday night.

Still no sign of the tour booklets. I have called GET to ask them to trace the package but you never know with Canada Post!

I was speaking with the Dean's Verger in Lincoln yesterday by phone. We discussed all things that will impact us next week. Including our need for punctuality. I assured him that everything will run on time. We will have our own key to the Song School which is where we will vest and store our music for the week. As we talked about ceremony he noted: There is the right way, the wrong way and then there is the Lincoln way. We'll cover the Lincoln way on Monday Morning at rehearsal.

Happy Non-Singing Thursday to you all. (don't forget to look at your music! please)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A great memory....

Timely for all of those with fear of flying!

10 Days until Departure

Good Wednesday Morning to you all.

Starting to feel like NASA Counting down to lift off. Of course it's really been like that for me since September 2006 but whose counting really? Certainly not I!

I broke away from the world of work yesterday and got out in the heat of the day to swing those golf clubs. I have to tell you that it was one of the most entertaining rounds that I have played in recent history. Never have i watched someone hit the ball and then through their club farther than the ball travelled! It was just good fun. (And No, I don't through my clubs anymore.)

Good thing there was cold beer!

Niru, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Nice to have some else contribute to my ramblings.

Happy Wednesday.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Speaking of different parts of the World

Speaking of different parts of the world and growing up with music. Until the age of 13 I grew up singing in an all boys school choir in Srilanka. St. Peters College School taught male students till around grade 12; under a British system. As a choir we had an all island reputation, often singing in national competitions and singing on TV for special events. My voice was a treble back then and today its a sad tenor.

As the day of our departure to England and our journey together with God nears I remember the fun I had as a kid with no cares of the world.

However that impressionable boy grew up and today understands the world is just a bit bigger, not completely better but bigger. Each of you have contributed to giving me an appreciation of what we as a group and as members of a larger community and citizens of this world can achieve if we grow up and work together.

Coming to St. Peters Erindale has been like coming home. And now in less than two weeks I will leave my home with my new family to add to my understanding of the world and how I can contribute to make it a better place; And continue to learn what I need to do so that I do my part in making a glorious sound and music such that the world has never heard. ( ok so can you tell I'm excited... )

Singing with each and everyone of you has been a trip down memory lane, the excitement and passion, the music!

Thank you and God Bless you. And Don, I can't sleep either...

You'll find us on this website now....

11 Days until Departure


Have you ever taken a moment to look at our choir? We are a true representation of what Canada is today. A multi-cultural cast from all corners of the world, all drawn together by music.
Our ages span from young to old while never missing a beat.

Happy Tuesday.

Monday, July 30, 2007

12 Days until Departure

I hope everyone had a good weekend. If you were at church on Sunday I hope that you took a look at the choir room. It looks great.

There was a certain sense of finality yesterday as I played for the last time at St. Peters before our trip. Canon Baker shared an original manuscript of his father's works with me and I played it as a postlude yesterday. I'm honoured to be able to play this music as it hasn't been heard in over 40 years. It will be part of my recital in Lincoln on August 16th.

It is always interesting to perform music that has personal attachment to our parish and to those we know.

Happy Monday to you all.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Almighty and most merciful Conductor;
We have erred, and strayed from thy beat like lost sheep;
We have followed too much the devices and tempos of our own parts;
We have offended against thy pronunciation laws;
We have left unsung those notes which we ought to have sung;
And we have sung those notes which we ought not to have sung;
And there is no intonation in us.
But thou, O Conductor, have mercy upon us, miserable singers.
Spare thou them that have lost their music;
Restore thou them that have forgotten the signature;
And grant, O most merciful maestro, that we may hereafter live an allegro moderato, un poco andante life;
To the glory of thy choir's Name.

2 Weeks Today

Good Saturday morning.

If you wish to order additional shirts you have until Monday afternoon to get me your requests to me. Cost per shirt is $40.00.

I took the suitcases out today and started to plan the needs for the trip. Vestments, Music, Binders etc, seem to be taking up an aweful lot of room. Might need a bigger suitcase! I'll keep you posted. OK, fine, I need to be organized but you already knew that.

I''m expecting the balance of the music from music plus in Kitchener this week. I will have Clare be in touch with you to arrange the transition to original scores this week. Please remember that all photocopies of replaced music MUST NOT be taken to England. Double check to make sure your music is in order.

The tour books will be handed out on Thursday August 9th at the service.

We have answered the questions that have been brought forward to this point. If there are outstanding questions please let me know and I'll address them right away.

The excitment begins to build. As I'm typing this morning I'm listening to Herbert Howells. I'm am still in awe that we are performing this amazing music. I'm not sure whether you all fully grasp the magnitude on your achievement here. It really is huge.

My good friend Paul Grimwood wrote to me last night and said:

" I'm sure that your choir will find that all the rehearsing still won't quite be a preparation for singing in these remarable places. The singing won't be the issue, but the whole age of the churches really does something. I admire you very much for doing this with your group. Let's see. Which Canadian cathedrals are joining us? Oh, right. None."

And so you see, we are in a unique position here. We have been successful establishing St. Peters Erindale as a musical force in the province. A new standard in what is possible and what can be achieved with a dream and complete participation from the entire choir with one mind. No we are not perfect, but we are really good. We have miles to go before we sleep and yet to this point the journey has been illuminating, exciting and very emotional.

So when the Bishop comes to speak to Jennifer to rename the parish St. Peters Cathedral, don't be shocked ;-)

Tina had a great time last night at Cagney's with the ladies of the choir. Her sincere thanks for remembering her and sharing your kindness and your appreciation with her.

Happy Saturday.

Friday, July 27, 2007

15 Days until Departure

Hard to believe the rehearsals are finished. Now we have to sit on our hands and wait. Do keep up with your personal review of the music. There were a couple of items from last night that need your attention prior to hitting the ground in the UK. (soggy as it may be).

Make sure that all of your music has the dynamics marked clearly so that you know what you are supposed to be doing at any given time. The next time you sing this music will be for all the marbles. Always sing with confidence. Basses you took a step back last night. Let's get the Russian Chorus back for everything we sing. It really makes a difference in the ensemble production.

I'm glad everyone had a chance to listen last night. I hope your liked what you heard. I do.
Let's face it; we are our own worst enemy. We all think this could be better and that's not right. You know that's a good thing! It puts you all in a position to correct the things that you hear and I sometimes miss. That attitude has allowed us to get much better.

I hope you like the tour shirts. I'm pleased that I was able to give them too you well in advance. As soon as the tour books arrive I'll forward them to you as well. I have sent an email to Patrick this morning requesting a response to some questions that I could remember from last night. I'll post them here once I get a response.

Thank you choir. It's just an absolute joy to make music with you and a bigger thrill to be traveling with you to the UK.

Happy Friday.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

16 Days until Departure - The Last Rehearsal

Well here we are on the day of the last choir rehearsal before we leave. Hard to believe really that we are at this moment. Seems like there is still so much to do and yet there really isn't.
Tonight we will cover the plainsong that we will have to sing at Lincoln. Review quickly the hymn tunes that we will use and then spend some time polishing the Howells Te Deum along with some others. I have no worries. We are ready. What we don't have perfect tonight, I'll fix when we get to England in rehearsal there. You have all worked so very hard and it shows.
You will all get to hear a piece of that tonight as we go through rehearsal.

For those that would like to share a beverage before we begin tonight, I would like to suggest a new venue.

PJ O'Brien's on Colbourne St. (one block south of King east of Church end of the block) 5:15 PM

Looking forward to making music with you all tonight.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

17 Days until Departure

In the fragile mortal existance we need to remember to stop and watch the parade sometimes instead of always being part of the actual event. This musical express train is really no different. We have been singularly focused on becoming the best choir possible and may have missed some of the other things going on around us.

Tomorrow night is our last rehearsal together before we get on the plane on August 11th. It's hard to believe when you sit down and think about it but it's just that close. At rehearsal tomorrow we will all take turns listening to the choir. 2 at a time we will send choristers off to the congregation to listen to what I hear each week. Just a couple of minutes each, but it will allow you to experience the wonderful sound that those people who support us hear each week.

Please remember that we will have a lot of music to cover tomorrow night including the hymns for Lincoln that you do not know. I'm looking forward to our time together as always.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

18 Days until Departure

What does it mean to you?

At the age of 7 years I was delivered to the crabby organist at St. John's Ancaster to sing in the Junior Choir. It was a memorable adventure to say the least. Why did I have to go and do this? Well, cause your parents said so, that's why! I spent 1 year with that choir before my parents moved to Kingston Ontario with my sister and I in tow. Upon my departure, the organist said: " here's a letter of introduction so that you can go and sing with Men and Boys at St. George's Cathedral." The hand written letter stated: "I'm not sending you a soloist but I'm sure Donald would make a good addition to the choir."

So off I went into the rank and file of this choral machine. For 8 years I sang my way through the ranks of the choir to become Head Chorister and sing some of the most amazing music of my life. That same music is that which you all now take part. Music that I hope will stay with you throughout your life. It is timeless and still invokes emotions inside that are deeply rooted.

It is my hope that as we walk along this road together and welcome new and interested choristers that you will be able to help them embrace this glorious music that has become part of the fabric of our ministry.

St. Peters Erindale has allowed us to become something much larger than anyone could have imagined (I'm not talking about my waist line either). Always strive for the best, never settle for mediocrity, always be humble and never forget to laugh.

Happy Tuesday.

Monday, July 23, 2007

19 Days until Departure

You know these hours are quite MAD!

It is peaceful but the air is always stale after the weekend and they heat exchangers are only on minimum until about 5:30 am. So with all that said, I'm looking forward to working from home in the very near future.

The choir room is finished and ready to be put back together. Tuesday July 24th Afternoon/Evening will be the target day for those that can pitch in to help. Shouldn't take too long. Clare has asked that she take care of the music. If you would like to help her with that please contact her directly.

Happy Monday to you all

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Music Reference Download

Please download this recording of the Gloria by Willis for Lincoln August 19th. This file will only play on Windows Media Player.

20 Days until Departure

I hope you all enjoyed this beautiful day. The sun was shining on the British Open during the presentation of the trophy to the Irish. Many Guinness will be consumed in celebration of that win.

I found this criteria of the various parts in the choir.

CRITERIA FOR CHOIR MEMBERSHIP who plays the piano and is a so and so
alto...a town in southern Illinois who sings ten or more miles away
bass...someone who likes to sing and swim
maestro...a beer drinking rat who constantly is involved in shocking controversies and likes to ride trains

The clock continues to tick!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

21 Days until Departure

Yesterday, the music list was posted for the week of August 12th at Lincoln Cathedral. It is another piece of physical evidence that this is really happening. I have to admit it is getting increasingly difficult to focus on much else.

In combination with the preparation going exceedingly well we now have the final components coming to fruition. The Tour shirts are being done and will be ready to be handed out at the special service on August 9th. The tour books are being printed and will be sent by GET to us and then handed out on August 9th as well (sooner if they arrive).

We now have the hymns for the tour and those will be rehearsed on Thursday July 26th.

Now we just need to have it stop raining in the UK. The weather has not been stellar so far this summer. In what was predicted to be the hottest and driest summer on record but this has been far from the truth. Yesterday in conversation with my clients in Swindon the street had been flooded and the rain continued to fall to the point where the water was coming into the lobby of the Zurich building. So, if you are having any packing thoughts rain gear is probably a solid consideration. We can however hope that this trend changes in the next 21 days.

Truth be told we can do nothing about the weather and the good news is that it will be dry in the Cathedral and dry in the Pub!

Have a Happy Saturday.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Lincoln Cathedral Update

For those that are interested, the Music Sheet for the week of August 12, 2007 is now available on the Lincoln Cathedral website.

For those that aren't interest, I've emailed you a copy because you should be interested ;-)

22 Days until Departure

Good Morning! In this world of hurry, I need it now, and "put that aside. This urgent item is more urgent than the last I gave you 3 minutes ago!" There are moments that we can truly say give pause for reflection.

Last nights rehearsal was one of those moments. For almost 2 solid hours you sang at full crank without flinching once. (ok there was a couple of moments) but just the same really quite wonderful. Basses! Great job last night. It was wonderful to hear you all singing out. It's exactly what the choir needed.

The rehearsal was good for my tired soul and I hope it rejuvenated yours and reinforced just how good this choir is getting. No, we are not perfect but the sound is magnificent and you are singing more comfortably in the Cathedral. Really Really, a great job all around.

We'll have another go a processions again next Thursday night. You did a good job at it but you need to remember the 90 degree angles on the corners. Always follow the point of the person in front of you. Remember the imaginary line that connects you with your walking partner. As Jason said last night and as I have been saying for far too long, presentation is as big a part of our trip as the singing.

Tomorrow, we'll be perfect. (Dave Stieb)

One more rehearsal!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

23 Days until Departure

Rain this morning slowed the drive into the office today. I have to admit that the long hours at IBM are beginning to take a toll. I'm looking forward to having my new staff member up and trained so that we can start working more regularly from home. It will make a huge difference.

It was suggested to me that I might want to consider holding an open rehearsal for any in the parish that wanted to come and listen to the choir before we leave for England. After careful consideration I am agreeing to that suggestion.

So what. It really means nothing to you. What it does mean is that anyone wishing to come and hear the choir on our final rehearsal at St. James Cathedral on Thursday July 26th is welcome to do so. They will need to arrive with the choir at 6:50 PM and will be able to sit in the congregation for the rehearsal. They can leave at anytime but once they leave the Cathedral they will not be able to re-enter. So there it is. Invite whom ever you wish.

Tonight will be a full 2 1/2 hours. Remember that Jason is with us for the first 30 minutes. Singing starts at 7:30 PM.

See you tonight!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

24 Days until Departure

I am so pleased that this trip is logistically complete. My work world is upside down and things are right on the edge of insane. Man I love Management!

Tina and the Kids are off the of the cottage for a few days of peace and quiet. I'm looking forward to some time at the St. James Cathedral Musical Spa on Thursday night.

Mom is in for her tests on Friday so please keep her in your prayers. Thanks.

back to more conference calls! Happy Wednesday to you all.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

From St. George's Chapel Windsor Castle

Good Morning again:

This email from Simon Whiteley at Windsor Castle to all of the choirs singing there this summer:

Dear All,
Many apologies for the round-robin. It’s just a quick note to inform you all that when you bring your respective choirs to sing evensong at St. George’s this summer, all services will be in the NAVE.

What does this mean? It means that we will be on the Nave side of the roode screen as opposed to being in the chancel area/choir stalls. No further explaination was given.

Rood Screen: The rood screen (also choir screen or chancel screen) is a common feature in late medieval church architecture. It is typically an ornate screen, constructed of wood, stone or wrought iron. It divides the chancel ( the area with the main altar in a church) from the nave (the main part of the church for the congregation).

Additional Thoughts for Day 25


The basic training of every singer should, of course, include myriad types of practical and theoretical emphases. One important area which is often neglected, however, is the art of one-upmanship. The following rules are intended as guides to the development of habits which will promote the proper type of relationship between singer and conductor.

1. Never be satisfied with the starting pitch. If the conductor uses a pitch-pipe, make known your preference for pitches from the piano and vice-versa.

2. Complain about the temperature of the rehearsal room, the lighting, crowded space, and of a draft. It's best to do this when the conductor is under pressure.

3. Bury your head in the music just before cues.

4. Ask for a re-audition or seating change. Ask often. Give the impression you're about to quit. Let the conductor know you're there as a personal favour.

5. Loudly clear your throat during pauses (tenors are trained to do this from birth). Quiet instrumental interludes are a good chance to blow your nose.

6. Long after a passage has gone by, ask the conductor if your C# was in tune. This is especially effective if you had no C# or were not singing at the time.

7. At dramatic moments in the music (which the conductor is emoting), be busy marking your music so that the climaxes will sound empty and disappointing.

8. Wait until well into a rehearsal before letting the conductor know that you don't have the music.

9. Look at your watch frequently. Shake it in disbelief occasionally.

10. When possible, sing your part either an octave above or below what is written. This is excellent ear-training for the conductor. If he hears the pitch, deny it vehemently and claim that it must have been the combination tone.

11. Tell the conductor, "I can't find the beat." Conductors are always sensitive about their "stick technique" so challenge it frequently.

12. If you are singing in a language with which the conductor is the least bit unfamiliar, ask her as many questions as possible about the meaning of individual words. If this fails, ask her about the pronunciation of the most difficult words. Occasionally, say the word twice and ask her preference, making to say it exactly the same both times. If she remarks on their similarity, give her a look of utter disdain and mumble under your breath about the "subtleties of inflection".

13. Ask the conductor if he has listened to the von Karajan recording of the piece. Imply that he could learn a thing or two from it. Also good: ask, "Is this the first time you've conducted this piece?"

14. If your articulation differs from that of others singing the same phrase, stick to your guns. Do not ask the conductor which is correct until backstage just before the concert.

15. Find an excuse to leave the rehearsal about 15 minutes early so that others will become restless and start to fidget.

16. Remember softer means softer.

17. During a long and very meaningful rest, either hold the note before a second too long or come in one beat before the rest is over.

Make every effort to take the attention away from the podium and put it on you, where it belongs!

Please govern yourself accordingly. ;-)

25 Days until Departure

Tour shirts have been ordered and everything is in place. We need only wait 2 weeks and those should be in our hands in plenty of time for our trip.

I also spoke with Music Plus in Waterloo yesterday to find out where the rest of our music is! Apparently it will be here in 2 weeks. Again in plenty of time for our departure. Those that are still without originals (Stanford in C, Hear My Prayer and Greater Love hath no Man) will be contacted by Clare Allen once the music arrives.

And so for me the final pieces of this huge puzzle are almost all together on the table. I can honestly tell you that I wasn't sure I would ever get there. 2 or 3 small pieces to go. I'm sleeping easier at night but now with those sleeps are filled with Evensong services overseas. Have mercy!

Happy Tuesday.

Monday, July 16, 2007

26 Days until Departure

Today I have to submit the shirt sizes to the manufacturer. I hope everyone has given their information to Chantal or can by the Church yesterday to try on the samples. For those that did come by the church you got a look at the tour logo. I'm pleased with the logo and the shirts. These will be a great remembrance of the tour.

Not much left to do these days except practice and wait. I hate waiting!

Happy Monday.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

27 Days until departure

It is a beautiful Sunday morning and I"m looking forward to a great day with Tina and the kids. Church first and then an afternoon of something that has yet to be decided.

Last call for the Tour Shirt Sizes. Samples will be available today at church for those that are interested. Otherwise I'm confident that Chantal has your information and we are good to go!

I love it when a plan comes together! Happy Sunday.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

28 Days until Departure

This morning I received an email from St. James Cathedral. The email was to invite the choir to sing Evensong on Sunday December 9th 2007 and for me to give the twilight recital. There are several reasons why this is special. First, guest choirs have always be slotted into months that have 5 Sundays and it would always be the 5th Sunday. All other services were reserved for the Cathedral Choirs. So why is this significant. Well think about it, you have been invited to sing in the middle of Advent, a festival season. It's a big deal and you all should be very proud of this.
The second reason was that this invitation was completely unsolicited!
I've accepted on your behalf.

So congratulations to you all. We have clearly been acknowledged as worthy. It makes me feel particularly proud and you should feel the same way.

I have to admit though the twilight recital offer came as a bit of a shock. It does give me something to work towards outside our normal choral work. I remain humbled at the invitation which I have also accepted.

And so today, another day ticks by. I've slept 14 hours in the since Friday night. I really needed it. Feel pretty good today and ready to accomplish some things around the estate that I've been putting off.

I wish you all an amazing weekend. Cheers

Friday, July 13, 2007

29 Days until Departure

OH MY - We are under 30 days.

Last night was a landmark rehearsal. Not only did you sing every Psalm in the book, for the most part, you did so with proficiency and sensitivity to text. Well done. We will continue to review 119, 85 and 91 & 93 over the next 2 rehearsals but that's it for the rest of them.
Please remember that we have many rehearsal in the UK to dust these off.

Last night as I listened to you all sing together (pitch aside) I realized how far we have truly come on our journey together. To be able to sing as a large group in cadence, in a large Cathedral and hold it together is really a wonderful accomplishment. I could feel the comfort in the large building starting to materialize. It takes quite a bit to adapt, doesn't it?
The Larkin was wonderful as was the Rachmaninov. As tiresome as it may have been the 90 minutes of Psalm singing was really good too.

Basses, you have an amazing presence when you employ all of the skills that Bruno has taught you in the master classes. It is what this choir requires in vocal support from the bass section. Keep it up guys.

As I said to you all last night, if we had to leave today for the UK, we could do it. Will we be that much better in 2 weeks? Yes we will. I'll send along the progress report card via email. We edge ever closer.

It's very exciting. BTW, my vestments look marvellous! Can't wait to wear them for the first time in England. See you all next Thursday. 7:00 pm sharp!

I'm very proud of all of you as you continue to make me proud to be your director. Thanks

Thursday, July 12, 2007

30 Days until Departure

Things at work as still crazy with no immediate end in sight!

Work will begin today on the choir room renovations. I'm looking forward to seeing the new look sometime next week. I'll be looking for some extra hands to get the room reassembled when complete. I'll keep you posted on that.

Tonight is a cappella singing night. Psalms Psalms and more Psalms, responses, etc.
We'll plow through it all tonight and put most of it to bed.

I'm looking forward to a great evening of singing at St. James.

See you all tonight!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tour Shirt Update

Hi Everyone:

I went over to see Lilly at International Threadworks this afternoon and saw the tour logo embroidered. Looks Great!

Lilly is going to order in some size samples and they will be available for you to see NEXT THURSDAY ONLY July 19th. Cost is still $30.00 each for non-choristers. The sizes range for women from XS - XXL and for Men from XS to 4X. I think that covers us all with room to spare.

The samples that will be available will be Womens M - XL and Mens M-XL.

You can have whatever colour you like as long as it WHITE!

See you all tomorrow night.

31 Days until Departure - The Emperiors New Clothes

It seems to be a bit cooler this morning than the last 3. It's still dark though. Guess there isn't much chance of that changing at 2am.

A big thank you to all those that pitched in last night to get the choir room packed and ready for renovation. Over the course of the next 5 days the choir room will have the wallpaper removed, holes filled in, new paint and new carpeting. Thanks to the parish for taking care of our space.
We are looking forward to our new look (what ever that happens to be). I am led to believe that Tina was consulted and selected the colours for the room.

I'm suppose to pick up my new vestments today. I'll have to check with Harcourts to see if they are ready to be picked up. Looking forward to that. I have to look as good as the choir you know.

Dan Bolin has sent along the travel pouches as promised and I'll hand those out to you on Thursday night. GET will be sending along the tour books in the next 10 days or so. Those will be distributed when they arrive.

On the tour shirts: I am trying to get samples for Thursday night's rehearsal. Please ensure that Chantal has your requested size before you leave the rehearsal on Thursday. Once the order is placed I can't change it. Thanks

Have a great day everyone.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

32 Days until Departure

I'm late getting my posting done today. It's just before 5 am and work is insane. 16 hour day yesterday and today isn't looking much better. Ah the price of management.

Don't forget that tonight we have to move everything out of the choir room so that the contractor can come in and give us a fresh coat of paint and new carpet. You assistance is greatly appreciated around 7:00 pm this evening to help.

Musically, tonight the Te Deum solo group is gathering at the church following the choir room tear down to work on that section. I'm sure that this practice will help put that into shape.

Please make sure that you have communicated your desired Golf Shirt size to Chantal. I'm doing my best to have some sample sizes for your consideration on Thursday night at St. James.

The final payment has been made to GET. Nothing let to do but practice and wait. I'm not sure which is more difficult.

Monday, July 9, 2007

33 Days until Departure

The sun is starting to come up outside my window here on the 6th floor in Markham. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be getting up this morning. Bright and ready to go here this morning shortly after 2:00 am. Now I know what you are all thinking; " how could I get a cushy job like that?" Well the answer is easy really, if you are crazy enough to want to work these hours just send along your CV and I'll see what i can do!

The Cathedral continues to go out of their way for us. They have extended unlimited playing time for me (generally unheard of, but maybe they felt I needed more practice after the recital yesterday ;-) ) And of course they continue to be standing by to assist us with our tour preparation. Our thanks to them.

Thanks to Jason for officiating yesterday at Evensong. It was nice to have him along for the adventure. He even recovered nicely during the collects from the starting A to the finishing F.

This week will be busy again. Don't forget we have to pack up and move the choir room contents out tomorrow evening starting at 7:00 pm. We will then need to move it all back sometime after completion of the project. I'll keep you posted on that.

I'm wondering how you are all feeling this morning. Ready to go again today? You all looked pretty tired coming out of that Cathedral last night. I know I was.

Have a great day!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Evensong at St. James

Well that's done.

This was a high pressure evening for me and for you as well. It was our last go in public before we hit the hallowed halls of Lincoln. I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed that we didn't start out more prepared. I really dislike having to drag you out of the mud to get things going. It takes a tremendous toll on me when we aren't focused and ready to go. So, that's the gut feeling about rehearsal.

The service according to my sources was really good. "The Howells was excellent" stated one listener. For me there are still points when you just give up with 1 or 2 beats to go. That needs to stop. You can't rely on the person next to you to carry it. This afternoon the sopranos found that out the hard way in the anthem, we'll get that right next time.

Over-all this afternoon went well, but I don't think it was the best you have ever done.
Emily, Mark and Richard did a great job on their solos but it was noted in the congregation that a bit more volume could have been done with. We'll work on that.

Choir, my friends, I'll leave you with this...
After the service, on my way back in for the photo's, Andrew Aager commented that he really enjoyed the afternoon. He also said: "You will come back in the fall right?" I said, "You only need invite us."

Congratulations on another job well done. Let's see if we can crank it up one more notch.
I think we can. Rest well, you deserve it.

One of these days we are going to actually have everyone show up!

34 Days until Departure

Well it's a big day for me personally. This will mark my first recital (small as it is) at St. James Cathedral in Toronto. It's pretty exciting really. I have be honest it was something that I didn't really want to do but several of my distinguished colleagues suggested that it was a good warm-up for Lincoln. So we will see.

I'm sure that the heat will be nothing like what we will experience in Lincoln but it's a good practice just the same.

Today's evensong also represents the last public performance of this choir prior to England. The music is grand. (Howell's Coll Reg and Ireland's Greater Love hath No Man) along with the first public performance of another set of responses written for the UK Trip. It's all wrapped into one package in one afternoon. No pressure though.

As usual I know that all of my choristers will rise to the ocassion and do themselves and I proud. I never worry about that.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

35 Days Until Departure

Last night Tina completed the necessary changes to the tour logo as required by the embrodery company. It probably took twice as long with me looking over her should but it's finished. We've worked within the guidelines of the corporate branding and have something that should make everyone happy.

The main part of the logo will appear on the left breast side and then the venues will appear on the right sleeve. I hope you approve. (Rhetorical ;-) )

I have a wedding today but for the life of me I can't remember what time. No worries though I"ll have all sorted well before the bride and company parade down the aisle.

Looking forward to having the choir at almost full staff for this event. Which by the way we haven't had yet. See you all at the Cathedral ready to sing at 3:00 PM.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Made the St. James Cathedral Website

This doesn't happen very much...probably my own fault too. I'll have to see about that:

Heated Update..... ;-)


One of our colleagues makes a good point for the gentlemen. It's going to be very hot on Sunday. To that end you can fore go the shirt and tie for rehearsal on Sunday afternoon. You still need your cassocks ;-)

Please re-attire yourself accordingly prior to the service.

36 Days until Departure

1 Service, 1 Recital and 3 more rehearsal like that and I'm going to be a very skinny man!

WOW! What a great night of singing. You should all be very tired today. An amazing sound and it was clear that all of the hard work that we have done in the past 16 months is now coming into play. We were all strong (regardless of heat and fatigue) right until the end. And yes, I did push the choir very hard.

NO ONE GAVE UP! That was the key wasn't it. No one gave up. We all pushed through right until the end. I guess that's all about good living...or at least that's what they tell me.

It's all very exciting. Keep up the great work. It really is an amazing sound and I think everyone was energized being in the Cathedral with that Grand Organ.

On to Glory! Have a great day.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

37 Days until Departure

It's just too early for clarity really. 3:30 am as my day is an hour old. I didn't have the time to get to the office before my first meeting so I'm working from home for the first 3 hours of my day.

It's an exciting day. Rehearsal tonight at the Cathedral with the choir is always something to look forward to. Today is no different. It is very humbling to be welcomed at the Cathedral as if you are part of the regular music team. I guess in some way we have all earned that repect from the cathedral staff. I like it. It's a good feeling.

More rehearsals for me today from 2 - 5 pm and then dinner/drinks at the Jersey Giant (see you there around 5;15 PM.)

As always, I'm looking forward to making music with you all. Cheers!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

38 Days until departure

It was a rainy day! The good Lord know that the lawn and gardens certainly need it. It made the morning darkness just a bit longer with the overcast skies it has been even harder to get going today.

Today rehearsals begin at St. James Cathedral for me to prepare for the organ recital on Sunday July 8th. Tomorrow the choir will begin rehearsals in the Cathedral. I'm hopeful that the practice in this wonderful building will assist them in the preparation for the tour.

Good news! We got the final piece of music for the tour from Windsor Castle yesterday. Psalm 85 has been the one we are waiting for. I've prepared it this morning and will be ready to hand out on Thursday night at rehearsal.

Didn't get to the logo yesterday, Tina and I will have to focus on that this weekend.

A thought on the elevated terrorist alert in the UK. Not a blessed thing we can do about it.
Life must go on!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

39 Days to departure

Surprisingly there isn't much to do this day for the tour. Except practice. And work on the tour logo for the embroiders. And follow up with Windsor Castle on the Psalms. Continue to confirm questions and answers with Dan Bolin at GET for choristers.

Nope, not much to do today at all! Amen to that.

Monday, July 2, 2007

40 Days until Departure

Well here we are as we move into our final 4 weeks of rehearsal. The choir has completed our 2 per week rehearsals at St. Peters Erindale and now move rehearsals to St. James Cathedral in Toronto on Thursday Evenings.

This week, we are preparing for Evensong on Sunday July 8th at St. James Cathedral. Also on the program, Don will give the 4 PM organ recital prior to the service.

I have to be honest, I'm glad the 2 per week rehearsals are done. It does mean that we have put a huge amount of work into one evening. Interestingly enough, some one asked me if we are ready? If we had to leave tomorrow, we could do it. July will just allow us to do it better!