Saturday, August 18, 2007

And so Saturday evening ends

Today was a very emotional day. Not only because of the large amout of work that we had to accomplish but also because of the signficance of the services. As I type this blog I can hear the 3/4 chime at the Cathedral reminding me of not only the time but our perminent attachment to the fabric of this hallowed place.

This afternoon it was our privilage to sing at the wedding of Stuart and Gina. This wedding was to have taken place next year but as the brides father is terminally ill the wedding was moved up 1 full year. As the bride and groom entered the Chancel the brides father looked on from his wheel chair that the altar rail and he glowed with pride. Throughout the service he held his daughters hand not quite prepared to let her go. I'm sure that in his condition he wanted that moment to last forever. It was truly an honour to enhance this couples day with our music.
This included the first public performance of the Willis Gloria. I was very pleased with the end result. The choir also sang the Willan Missa Brevis for Communion and the King shall Rejoice by Handel at the signing.

That's not the finish though. We then turned around and went back into the Cathedral for Evensong rehearsal for 30 minutes and then right into evensong at 5;30. Tonight James took the podium and I took a wack at the organ. I'm pleased to report that I'll be back on the podium tomorrow and leave the organ to Mr. JMD. I am humbled by what it takes to master all of that in only a few short hours; he does it very well.

Tonight the Precentor hosted a wine party in the Chapter House for the choir along with the Dean of the Cathedral. They both had very nice things to say about the choir and I remain very proud.

I got choked up when the choir gathered to sing a version of Bainton's And I Saw a new Heaven with new text by Dale Neilly. I am a truly blessed musician that I have soon many who believe in me.

And so with all this emotion, I'm going to retire. A very early morning ahead.
From Lincoln I wish you a very good night.

Here are the pictures from the reception:

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