Thursday, August 16, 2007

And so beginneth the busiest 5 days of our lives

It's Thursday morning and we now start what will surely be a real test of the choirs fiber.

This morning I'm off to the Cathedral to prepare for my recital at 1:10 today. Following that the choir will gather at 3:00 PM to start rehearsals that will last until 5:00 PM, evensong at 5:30 PM, dinner back at the college at 7:00 PM and then back to the Cathedral for the start of recording at 9:00 PM.

This will all be repeated again tomorrow (with the exception of the recital). Saturday will include a 2 hour rehearsal in the morning, a wedding at 3:30 PM followed by evensong. The 2 hour rehearsal on Saturday morning makes up for the lack of rehearsal time on Sunday. So enough of that....

Wednesday was another great day of personal prayer and meditation at Lincoln. The day started with an apple for breakfast (everyone else ate more) and then a brisk walk to the Cathedral, morning mass and 90 minutes of thunder at the organ. The started with promise weather wise but ended up being very damp indeed. After rehearsal I walked back to the college for a nap and then met James Mooney-Dutton and Hannah Allchin for lunch. We walked in the rain all the way down the steep hill. (YES IT'S REALLY STEEP) We took a taxi back to the college and relaxed until it was time to return to the Cathedral for mass.

(I'm leaving out the number of pub stops along the way, I don't want to give you the wrong idea.)

Mass was sung by the Cathedral's Chamber choir. 18 Volunteer voices that act as a stop gap choir when the primary choirs are unavailable. It was beautiful.

After mass I was afforded another 30 mins at the organ for practice. I have to say that the opportunity to play late at night in the Cathedral was pretty amazing. All of the lights were off in the Nave and only a few lit up the Quire and the access ways. The thunder of the music was intense and everything that I could have imagined. During the day there is always people moving about, building, hammering, helping to maintain this beautiful building. Yet last night there was only silence in the vast place of worship. It was a awesome experience.

I shared dinner last night with David Plant, Hannah and James at an eatery on the way home from the Cathedral. It was very nice.... ;-)

The early reports from the choir day trip to York all seem favourable although some say that the walking tour was a bit long. The wet weather was not as bad in York mercifully. Just a mist.

So with all that said, I'm off again. Preparing for several things including the arrival of Tina here in Lincoln finally. It promises to be another great day.

From Lincoln in the sunshine

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